

Check-in & Chill: The Couples Guide to Healthy Communication

Do you find it difficult to have productive problem solving conversations with your partner? How many times have you wanted to say something, solve a problem, or connect but instead ended up arguing?

The Check-in & Chill is a 6-step guide for the couple that wants to go above and beyond in practicing the absolute best strategies to improve their communication and intimacy. The 6-steps are supported by research and best practices in the fields of couples counseling, social psychology, and neuroscience. FREE 1-page resource outlining the steps.

**Ready to take your relationship to the next level? Click here to purchase the full 15 page pdf guide for $20. This resource contains detailed examples, how the system works, and tips for building trust and intimacy with your partner during productive conversations.**

Infinity Loop: Understanding Negative Cycles in Your Relationship

This resource draws from the work of Dr. Sue Johnson and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). EFT is a highly regarded, researched, and effective framework to help couples improve their relationships. The slides above are meant to inform work done as part of therapy to better identify, understand, and transform patterns / cycles of conflict.

Monthly Email Archive (join the list!)

Check-in #1 | Dr. Dan at Growth & Gratitude Online Therapy

Check-in #2 | Dr. Dan at Growth & Gratitude Online Therapy

Check-in #3 | Dr. Dan at Growth & Gratitude Online Therapy

Check-in #4 | Dr. Dan at Growth & Gratitude Online Therapy

Check-in #5 | Dr. Dan at Growth & Gratitude Online Therapy

Check-in #6 | Dr. Dan at Growth & Gratitude Online Therapy

Check-in #7 | Dr. Dan at Growth & Gratitude Online Therapy

Check-in #8 | Dr. Dan at Growth & Gratitude Online Therapy

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